March 28, 2018 10:14 pm
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In 1793, Eli Whitney patented the first modern iteration of the cotton gin, revolutionizing the then-burgeoning industrial textiles industry and changing the way that humans interact with cotton forever. Since Whitney first filed his patent, the size and scale of commercial cotton gins has change drastically, but their general operations and functions remain the same. Today, cotton typically arrives at the gin pressed into a bale or “module” weighing as much as 10 metric tons. The gins are capable of processing this cotton quickly and efficiently, and with minimal human effort required. Once the ginning process is complete, the cotton... View Article
March 7, 2018 5:06 pm
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Cotton production is one of the most important industries in the United States. The country is the worldwide leader in cotton exporting and third internationally in production, behind only the much larger nations of China and India. Almost all of the cotton growth and production in America occurs in the south and west, with the dominant producing states being Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Arizona and California. Today, more than 99 percent of American-grown cotton is Upland cotton, with the fraction of a percentage remaining being American Pima. Overall, the business is worth $25 billion per year and employs more than... View Article
February 21, 2018 5:06 pm
Published by Writer
Textile manufacturing continues to be a major industry in the modern day. At textile mills, fiber is converted into yarn, which is in turn converted into fabric that is dyed or printed and fabricated into clothes. A variety of cotton mill components in Lubbock, TX play a role in this process. Cotton continues to be the most important natural fiber, and thus plays a massively important role in textile mills. There are six stages associated with processing cotton at these mills. Let’s take a quick look at each: Cultivating and harvesting: Cotton can be grown anywhere that has long, hot,... View Article