Keys to Proper Long-Term Grain Storage

October 4, 2019 6:55 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Grain prices are unpredictable. In an industry that is so heavily influenced by weather conditions, long-term grain storage plays an invaluable role in protecting your product and investment. Many factors impact proper long-term grain storage, such as the type of conveyor parts in Lubbock, TX used to move materials. To ensure your grain is properly stored for an extended period of time, follow these helpful tips:

  • Thoroughly clean grain bins: Remove any remaining grain and then completely clean the bin, including any spaces beneath the floor where materials and pests may hide. If you discover insects or other unwelcome guests in your bin, plan to fumigate before storing any grain.
  • Store the highest quality product: You ultimately lose money by opting to store low quality grain in bins. Long-term storage should only include mature, high-quality grains that will last the months required.
  • Dry grains: If you attempt to store grains with too high of a moisture content, you’ll discover a spoiled crop when you open the bin in a few months. The moisture content depends on the grain you are storing and the time of year you are storing it, so make sure to research best practices for your specific materials.
  • Aerate grains: Air movement in bins is vital to properly storing grains for a long period of time. This means loading bins correctly, either with a grain spreader for smaller containers or directly loading for larger ones. Ultimately, you want to create an inverted cone to remove fines from the center. Repetitive coring will help you achieve this shape of your stored grains. Aerating grain helps maintain its temperature during storage.
  • Monitor temperatures: Providing the temperate environment needed to store grains for a long amount of time is crucial to your business. You’ll want to use a monitoring system to ensure your grain continues to stay at the right temperature. Failing to check on the temperature of your grain bins could result in a completely spoiled crop by the time you are ready to transport and sell it. Most experts recommend storing grain at 40℉ during the spring and no more than 50℉ during the summer to keep insects and mold at bay.
  • Regularly check bins: Consider the monetary value of the grain stored in each bin. Ignoring those bins and assuming they are fine could result in thousands of dollars in lost profit. When you take the time to regularly check grain bins, you avoid this loss. Take a sample to measure moisture content and check the bin’s temperature. Make adjustments as needed.
  • Monitor for infestations: It only takes a few weeks for a few bugs to multiply into a full infestation. Yes, the grain will have to be treated if you use insect traps, but it protects your investment in the long run.

Part of storing grains long-term is using the right equipment for storage. That is why people throughout the state contact M.B. McKee Company, Inc. for all supplies and components, such as conveyor parts in Lubbock, TX. Get in touch with us today to order from the largest inventory of commercial mechanical components and parts.

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