June 6, 2018 2:57 pm
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Conveyors are an extremely important feature of any textile manufacturing facility. They make your assembly line run efficiently, meaning you must keep them in outstanding operational condition at all times to prevent downtime and potential business losses. With this in mind, here are a few tips for maintaining your conveyor components in Lubbock, TX: Always have spare parts available: As much as you might not like to think about it, you can rest assured that, at some point, a part of your conveyor will fail. Depending on the part of your conveyor that fails, you could experience some massive production... View Article
May 23, 2018 2:57 pm
Published by Writer
A DC motor is a type of motor that converts direct current (DC) electrical energy into mechanical energy. The types of DC motors people most commonly use rely on magnetic forces for their operation. Just about all DC motors, however, have mechanisms built into them (electronic or electromechanical) that change the direction of the current flow at regular intervals. DC motors were one of the first widely used types of motors because they were able to be run off of existing DC power distribution systems. The speed of these types of motors can be managed with a variable supply voltage... View Article
May 7, 2018 10:12 pm
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Cotton gin equipment is expensive—there’s no getting around that. As a cotton farmer, you probably would like to extend the life of your cotton gin as long as possible. The best way to do this is by performing regular maintenance on your cotton gin parts in Lubbock, TX to keep everything running smoothly for years to come. Generally, cotton gins are operated for about three or four months out of every year. This means you have eight extra months to make any necessary repairs and ensure the gin will be ready come harvest time. While you should take the time... View Article
April 23, 2018 10:12 pm
Published by Writer
With just about any industry you can think of, it’s important to support local businesses and product developers. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest benefits associated with supporting local textile makers and producers of cotton mill components in Lubbock, TX: Support local employment: By purchasing local textiles, you support local workers as well, keeping jobs in your area. Over the years, many industries (including the textile industry) have seen jobs outsourced to countries all over the world. By making it a point to support American-based companies, particularly those near where you live, you can help keep companies... View Article
April 11, 2018 10:14 pm
Published by Writer
Throughout the ages, the textile industry has been one of the mainstays of nearly every human civilization. In recent years, technological advances and globalization have led to a radically redefined textile industrial complex that relies on complicated supply chains stretching across the entirety of the globe. Textile machinery currently performs a number of tasks formerly performed by hand by human laborers. Today, jobs such as ginning, spinning, weaving and dyeing are largely performed by automated processes with limited human help. That means that it’s extremely important for industry players at every level of the textile supply chain to properly maintain... View Article