November 29, 2018 11:02 pm
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According to the National Council of Textile Organizations (NCTO), as of 2017, the value of the U.S. textile, man-made fiber filament and apparel shipments totaled an estimated $77.9 billion. Out of this total, cotton and wool made up about $5.9 billion. In fact, in 2016, the U.S. was the world’s fourth largest country exporter of fiber, yarn, fabric and non-apparel sewn products. So how did the U.S. become so well-positioned in the textile market? Well, our country has had a long history in the textile industry. As your local source for cotton gin parts in Texas for the past 75... View Article
November 8, 2018 3:42 pm
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When you walk into a retail store, you can find thousands of different products made from materials that are sourced around the world. One of the most common materials used in products on retail shelves is cotton. Cotton has been a staple crop for hundreds of years, and it continues to be very popular in making fabrics for clothing, upholstery and linens. What you might not know about cotton is the fact that it’s also used for a wide variety of other products. Let’s take a look: Clothing: Cotton is a very popular material that’s used for clothing. Everything from... View Article
October 25, 2018 3:42 pm
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Ever since the cotton gin was invented, it has been regarded as one of the most revolutionary pieces of agricultural equipment. While the basic function of the cotton gin has remained consistent since its development in 1793, its design, capacity and size have transformed pretty significantly. Modern cotton gins are capable of delivering considerable productivity and providing producers with the ability to track gin cycles with computer technology and sophisticated sensors. Read on to find out more about the modern cotton gin components in Lubbock, TX that are used to produce today’s cotton. Modern cotton ginning A cotton gin’s basic... View Article
October 11, 2018 11:43 pm
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As people become more and more aware of environmental causes and concerns, recycling efforts become increasingly important. While most people think of paper, aluminum and plastic when they think about recycling, there is actually a much larger variety of materials that can be reprocessed and reused in order to minimize waste. Textile recycling makes it possible for old clothes and fabrics to be reused for new applications. Read on to learn more about how textiles in Lubbock, TX are recycled and why this process is so important. How textile recycling works Textile recycling was developed to maximize the use of... View Article
September 27, 2018 11:43 pm
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Throughout history, a number of inventions have been pivotal in the further development of technology. One of the most important inventions in the agricultural industry was that of the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney in the late 18th century. However, despite the historical importance of this invention, many people don’t know much about the significance of the cotton gin and how it impacted the future of agriculture. Read on to find out more about how the cotton gin was developed and how it has influenced agriculture through the years. Before the cotton gin Eli Whitney was born in Massachusetts... View Article