September 4, 2018 9:21 pm
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What steps should be taken for proper maintenance of textile mills in Lubbock, TX? For the best results, several types of maintenance should be performed regularly. An effective maintenance schedule will increase productivity and reduce repairs and downtime at the mill. Use the following guide to perform the proper maintenance at your mill: Routine maintenance: Some maintenance items should be done frequently. These repetitive tasks include cleaning, lubrication and minor adjustments. Depending on the production level of the mill, certain machinery may require these tasks daily. Running maintenance: This includes maintenance that is performed while the machinery is in operation.... View Article
August 21, 2018 9:21 pm
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Are you familiar with the cotton harvest? Do you know when and how to properly harvest this commodity for best results? Could you explain the purpose of a cotton gin in Lubbock, TX? To educate yourself on the process, check out the following FAQ. For additional information, contact your local supplier of cotton gin components in Lubbock, TX. When is the best time to harvest cotton? Cotton should be harvested when the cotton moisture content is 12 percent or less. Aim for a time when the surrounding humidity level is less than 60 percent. Keep in mind, when the field... View Article
August 7, 2018 11:28 pm
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Cotton has been cultivated and used to make products for at least 7,000 years. Archeologists have found pieces of cotton fabrics throughout the world, dating as far back as 12,000 BC. Cotton fabrics aren’t the only use of cotton, though, and more uses are being found each and every day. Cotton production in West Texas uses most of the byproducts cotton creates, even what’s left over after production. Here’s a closer look at how cotton is so much more than just a fiber source: Cottonseed: Cotton production in West Texas may focus on using the fiber in apparel and home... View Article
July 24, 2018 11:28 pm
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Cotton is the largest natural fiber supplying the global demand for textile products, and Texas is the number one producer in the U.S. West Texas is especially important to cotton production, with recent crops being record-breakers. Cotton is an important part of environmentally friendly clothing. The main alternatives to cotton are non-renewable chemical fibers. Here’s a closer look at how cotton in West Texas and beyond is a viable and environmentally sound choice: Cotton is biodegradable: Cotton is sustainable, renewable and biodegradable. It’s an excellent choice for environmentally friendly fiber throughout its entire product life cycle. Cotton is a safe... View Article
July 6, 2018 7:21 pm
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When you think of the U.S. military and its suppliers, what comes to mind? You probably think of weapons manufacturers and armored vehicle manufacturers. But did you know that the textile industry is a major supplier for our military? Textile mills in West Texas and around the country play an important role in keeping our military strong. That role is to provide essential products for the military. Each year, more than 8,000 different items are supplied by the textile industry for use by the U.S. military. Following is a sampling of the types of textile products that make an impact... View Article