September 27, 2018 11:43 pm
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Throughout history, a number of inventions have been pivotal in the further development of technology. One of the most important inventions in the agricultural industry was that of the cotton gin, invented by Eli Whitney in the late 18th century. However, despite the historical importance of this invention, many people don’t know much about the significance of the cotton gin and how it impacted the future of agriculture. Read on to find out more about how the cotton gin was developed and how it has influenced agriculture through the years. Before the cotton gin Eli Whitney was born in Massachusetts... View Article
August 21, 2018 9:21 pm
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Are you familiar with the cotton harvest? Do you know when and how to properly harvest this commodity for best results? Could you explain the purpose of a cotton gin in Lubbock, TX? To educate yourself on the process, check out the following FAQ. For additional information, contact your local supplier of cotton gin components in Lubbock, TX. When is the best time to harvest cotton? Cotton should be harvested when the cotton moisture content is 12 percent or less. Aim for a time when the surrounding humidity level is less than 60 percent. Keep in mind, when the field... View Article
May 7, 2018 10:12 pm
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Cotton gin equipment is expensive—there’s no getting around that. As a cotton farmer, you probably would like to extend the life of your cotton gin as long as possible. The best way to do this is by performing regular maintenance on your cotton gin parts in Lubbock, TX to keep everything running smoothly for years to come. Generally, cotton gins are operated for about three or four months out of every year. This means you have eight extra months to make any necessary repairs and ensure the gin will be ready come harvest time. While you should take the time... View Article
March 28, 2018 10:14 pm
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In 1793, Eli Whitney patented the first modern iteration of the cotton gin, revolutionizing the then-burgeoning industrial textiles industry and changing the way that humans interact with cotton forever. Since Whitney first filed his patent, the size and scale of commercial cotton gins has change drastically, but their general operations and functions remain the same. Today, cotton typically arrives at the gin pressed into a bale or “module” weighing as much as 10 metric tons. The gins are capable of processing this cotton quickly and efficiently, and with minimal human effort required. Once the ginning process is complete, the cotton... View Article
March 7, 2018 5:06 pm
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Cotton production is one of the most important industries in the United States. The country is the worldwide leader in cotton exporting and third internationally in production, behind only the much larger nations of China and India. Almost all of the cotton growth and production in America occurs in the south and west, with the dominant producing states being Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Texas, Arizona and California. Today, more than 99 percent of American-grown cotton is Upland cotton, with the fraction of a percentage remaining being American Pima. Overall, the business is worth $25 billion per year and employs more than... View Article