October 27, 2021 9:00 am
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If you’re new to the manufacturing or industrial world, you might not be familiar with drag conveyors. What are drag conveyors, and what do they do? These tools, also known as drag-chain, scraper flight or en masse conveyors, help transport objects across a distance. If you’re used to belt conveyors or roller conveyors, however, these operate a bit differently. Here’s an overview of drag conveyors and when they might be useful for a job. What are drag conveyors? Drag conveyors use chains and troughs to transport bulk material. There are two broad types: flat bottom and round bottom. Flat bottom... View Article
October 20, 2021 9:00 am
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What, exactly, is a roller conveyor? If you’ve ever been through airport security, you’ve probably seen a roller conveyor. This conveyor type makes it easy to transport objects down a line, using either power, manual force or gravity. You’ve probably pushed your carry-on luggage and plastic bins down the rollers, until they eventually meet a conveyor belt. That’s just one of the uses for a roller conveyor—they’re used in many industries for similar purposes. Origin of roller conveyors The first patent for a roller conveyor was granted in 1908. Hymie Goddard of Indiana designed a roller conveyor that used internal... View Article
October 13, 2021 4:27 pm
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A repulsion motor is a type of AC motor that repels similar poles. These motors have been used in a variety of applications, including as traction motors in electric trains. More recent types of electric motors have resulted in repulsion motors becoming obsolete in some settings, but they still have their uses and benefits and are important to consider for your operation. Here’s an overview of what you should know about repulsion motors so you can determine if they’re right for your application. What is a repulsion motor? As mentioned above, a repulsion motor is a type of single-phase electric... View Article