December 9, 2020 2:08 am
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Slippage on a conveyor belt may seem minor, but it can become a major issue. If conveyor components in Lubbock, TX fail to keep the belt working properly, you may experience damage to the motors, spills, belt failure and even employee injury. To prevent these disasters and keep your conveyor belt parts working smoothly, use the following tips. Choose the right belt In some cases, the slippage is not due to poor or broken conveyor components in Lubbock, TX. A conveyor belt will slip if you are using the wrong belt for the job. It may be too heavy for... View Article
November 25, 2020 2:08 am
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Not all electric motors in Lubbock, TX are appropriate for every application. These machines come in a variety of models to suit different settings. From AC to DC electric motors in Lubbock, TX, it’s important to know the difference between the types of motors, which are the most common and which one is best for your needs. Here’s what you need to know about the most common electric motors. AC induction/asynchronous This is the most common type of electric motor in Lubbock, TX. It’s reliable and economical, making it a popular choice. Within these motors, an electric current generates a... View Article
November 11, 2020 4:14 pm
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A personal fall arrest system is crucial for the safety of people working at specific types of job sites in Lubbock, TX. Any personal fall arrest system you have on hand should feature the following elements: Anchorage/anchorage connector Body wear Connecting devices One might refer to these three parts as the “ABCs” of personal fall arrest—it makes it easy to remember the necessary components to abide by industry regulations. Let’s take a closer look at each of these three components and what you should know about them. Anchorage The term “anchorage” refers to a secure point of attachment for certain... View Article
October 28, 2020 4:14 pm
Published by Writer
Conveyors are a crucial component of any factory. When operating efficiently, they deliver your products quickly and efficiently to where they’re needed in a timely manner. It’s easy to take your conveyors for granted as part of the infrastructure of your facility. However, if you have a conveyor breakdown, you’ll realize just how crucial it is to your everyday options. Downtime caused by conveyor malfunctions and breakdowns can have brutal effects on your business, so it’s crucial to stay on top of conveyor maintenance to prevent that downtime from occurring. Here are a few maintenance tips to help you reduce... View Article
October 5, 2020 10:52 pm
Published by Writer
Dump pits are a critical part of the harvest, but if you don’t observe basic safety tips, you could suffer serious injuries on the job. Long hours, fatigue and distraction are common during harvest season, and worker injuries and fatalities become more common in these situations. Don’t take your safety for granted—read these dump pit safety tips in Lubbock, TX and make sure your workers are always protected: Never walk in front of a truck: This might be common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many people get distracted and forget. Even if you’re positive the truck is parked... View Article