January 20, 2021 12:56 am
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Roller bearings make modern inventions possible. Any machine in motion uses bearings to smooth out operation and reduce friction and wear and tear. While we associate mechanical bearings in Lubbock, TX with current cotton harvesting technology, they have actually been around longer than most people realize. Here is an overview of the history of bearings and their everyday functions. Ancient bearings Rollers eased material movement before humans invented the wheel and continued even when wheel technology was available. People realized that placing logs under heavy objects makes it easier to move them from point A to point B. Cave drawings... View Article
January 12, 2021 7:31 pm
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One common question we receive from customers who use tubular drag conveyors concerns what sort of maintenance they can expect to have to perform on the equipment, and how often they’ll need to do so. Here’s an overview of what you should know about the maintenance of these conveyor components in Lubbock, TX. Contact an expert to learn more. What you should know The most important piece of maintenance you should perform on a tubular drag conveyor is cutting off excess slack from the chain. Over an extended period of time, the constant articulation of the chain on the conveyor... View Article
December 29, 2020 7:31 pm
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Over time, your roller bearings will experience some general wear and tear that may require you to make some repairs or replacements. It’s important to be familiar with the most common causes and types of bearing damage so you can prevent further damage to mechanical bearings and equipment in Lubbock, TX. Doing so will ensure longer-lasting, higher-quality performance. Here are just a few examples of some of the most common types of roller bearing damage and how to recognize their causes: Fatigue spalling: Fatigue spalling is a type of surface damage to the metal or its finishes, and comes in... View Article
December 9, 2020 2:08 am
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Slippage on a conveyor belt may seem minor, but it can become a major issue. If conveyor components in Lubbock, TX fail to keep the belt working properly, you may experience damage to the motors, spills, belt failure and even employee injury. To prevent these disasters and keep your conveyor belt parts working smoothly, use the following tips. Choose the right belt In some cases, the slippage is not due to poor or broken conveyor components in Lubbock, TX. A conveyor belt will slip if you are using the wrong belt for the job. It may be too heavy for... View Article
November 25, 2020 2:08 am
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Not all electric motors in Lubbock, TX are appropriate for every application. These machines come in a variety of models to suit different settings. From AC to DC electric motors in Lubbock, TX, it’s important to know the difference between the types of motors, which are the most common and which one is best for your needs. Here’s what you need to know about the most common electric motors. AC induction/asynchronous This is the most common type of electric motor in Lubbock, TX. It’s reliable and economical, making it a popular choice. Within these motors, an electric current generates a... View Article