February 19, 2020 10:28 pm
Published by Writer
So much of our industrial machinery relies on ball bearings to function properly. When a bearing fails, it interferes with its proper functioning and could even cause damage to other components. Maintaining your bearings will help improve performance, save money on repair costs and reduce downtime. Here’s how to ensure your ball bearings in Lubbock, TX are always in their best working order: Storage and handling matter: The way you store your bearings has an impact on how they perform. Store your bearings in a clean, dry, sealed container that will prevent dirt, dust and any other contaminants from coming... View Article
February 6, 2020 2:23 am
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With the wet weather this year, it has been difficult for farmers to apply herbicide as needed. Post-harvest weeds need to be addressed as soon as possible, so that you can limit soil moisture loss and prevent more weeds from growing. This also helps reduce the spread of wheat streak mosaic virus. We’ve assembled a collection of considerations to help you control your post-harvest winter wheat weeds in Lubbock, TX: Timing: If your wheat is part of a three-year rotation, then you can generally spray herbicides anytime within the next 30 days after harvest. However, if it doesn’t have an... View Article
January 23, 2020 2:22 am
Published by Writer
“Farm to table” has been a restaurant industry buzzword for the last few years, but if you have a backyard garden, you’re probably already living that lifestyle. From fruits and vegetables to herbs and edible flowers, growing your own food can be an incredibly satisfying—and practical—hobby. Have you considered growing your own grains in Lubbock, TX? Wheat, oats and other grains are easy to grow, provide a great source of nutrition and are the building blocks of a balanced diet (or a hearty homebrewing operation). How much space do I need? The average backyard size (about 1,000 square feet in... View Article
January 4, 2020 12:19 am
Published by Writer
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the harvest this year should be much bigger than initially expected—which means corn futures are falling, and your crops will require a lot more work than you might have counted on come harvest time. This year, the corn harvest alone will generate nearly 14 billion bushels, with the soybean harvest producing an estimated 3.68 billion bushels. The USDA also estimates that the wheat harvest will generate 1.98 billion bushels—over 96 million bushels more than the previous harvest. On the other side of the coin, demand is estimated to be about the same as... View Article
December 21, 2019 12:19 am
Published by Writer
Ball bearings are an important component of many modern machines, and when one wears out, replacement time could cut into your profits. While you might not think about your ball bearings as often as you should, setting up regular inspection and replacement can help cut down on any machinery downtime. It’s better to replace them earlier than wait for them to fail. Asking how long a ball bearing should last is asking for a number of different opinions—but the short answer boils down to, “it depends on how well you maintain your ball bearings.” It will also depend on the... View Article