April 23, 2019 6:01 pm
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Any time you have a mechanical process that involves rotating or rolling parts, you’re going to need high-quality mechanical bearings and seals. Bearings are crucial in providing both rotation and linear movement within devices in a way that limits friction and evenly disperses the amount of stress placed on the system that could, in other circumstances, cause some catastrophic system failure. The seals, meanwhile, both maintain the lubricant needed for the bearing to function properly while also preventing contamination in the form of harmful particles entering the system. If you’re in need of mechanical bearings in Lubbock, TX but don’t... View Article
April 9, 2019 11:33 pm
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Just like those who farm other types of crops, cotton growers must always be thinking ahead, so as to not miss out on opportunities as well as avoid a variety of costly and time-consuming risks. As is true every year, the size of this year’s cotton crop will influence the supply of the next season’s balance sheet in the form of carry-in stocks, often amounting to millions of bales. Experts in the cotton industry will tell you that it is never too early to be thinking about cotton opportunities and risks. While you’re focused on advancement, also consider having your... View Article
March 26, 2019 11:33 pm
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From corn to wheat to cotton, farmers across the country have already begun to plan out their crops for a new year of growing. Their plans and schedules will also need to include the care and maintenance of heavy-duty farm machinery, including cotton mill components in Lubbock, TX, to ensure planting and a quality harvest later in the season. Now, what does the 2019 planting season look like so far? What is it shaping up to be like? For starters, low prices and tariffs could shift focus to wheat and corn crops. Let’s take a look at some must-knows of... View Article
March 21, 2019 3:17 am
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With so many innovative new technologies and processes being developed, a lot of people are speculating about what the future might look like for the textile industry. Textiles are essential for a wide variety of products and purposes for markets and applications around the globe, but there’s a lot of confusion about what’s to come for textile manufacturing as the technological landscape changes. There are some exciting new concepts and technologies with the potential to shape the future of textiles in Lubbock, TX that are already being conceptualized. The basics of smart textiles Smart textiles are technologically-integrated textiles that are... View Article
March 7, 2019 3:17 am
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You use and interact with textile products on a daily basis, but you might not spend much time thinking about how these products are actually made or how textiles have changed over time. For hundreds of years, textiles have been used to create essential products for applications and markets around the globe. Today, we still rely on textiles for many of our products. Read on to find out more about how textiles have changed over time and the new trends that are on the horizon for the textile industry. Textile industry background The history of textiles extends back thousands of... View Article