Categories for Mechanical Bearings

What Are Mounted Bearings Used For?

September 15, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

There are tons of different bearing types out there, and knowing what some of them are and what they are used for can help you determine if they are right for your project. Mounted bearings are one such bearing type that has a range of uses. Knowing what a mounted bearing is, and what it might be used for, can help you determine if it is the correct bearing for you. What Are Mounted Bearings? Mounted bearings are those mechanical bearings that are already mounted to a frame or an assembly and that do not need to be assembled or... View Article

What Is an Unmounted Bearing?

September 1, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Bearings are used in many mechanical devices, and the automotive driveshaft is one of them. The purpose of such bearings is to prevent friction from occurring between two mechanical parts. You’ll need to consider a few factors before purchasing bearings for your vehicle. Unmounted bearings are items you may want to consider. The following is some information on these types of mechanical bearings, how they can benefit you, and where you can get them if you need them for your vehicle.  What are unmounted bearings? Unmounted bearings do not require any type of housing before they can be applied to... View Article

The Roles of Bearings in Engineering

May 18, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Mechanical bearings are small mechanical elements that enable parts to move concerning each other.  Bearings have multiple roles, and their importance cannot be ignored. Therefore, based on the type, there are multiple bearings uses and applications in engineering. Reduce Machine Friction The primary role of bearings is to reduce friction. In other words, it is the mechanical element that ensures two surfaces in contact do not rub against each other. This function is essential as it helps increase the efficiency of machines by reducing wear and tear while also ensuring smooth movements. There are different types of bearings based on... View Article

Why Quality Matters More Than Ever for Your Business

June 3, 2021 10:47 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

In today’s global economy, you have to do everything you can to make your business stand out. The best way you can do that is by selling a quality product—it goes beyond just the surface appearance of your product to its function and longevity. Creating durable, long-lasting goods starts in a factory setting with advanced conveyor components and mechanical bearings in Lubbock, TX. Here are the top five reasons why quality matters more than ever when it comes to running a successful business. Increasing profitability Research has shown that there’s a direct correlation between quality products and the profitability of... View Article

Ways Modern Farming Helps the Environment

February 23, 2021 1:10 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Thanks to modern farming practices, farmers can provide higher-quality foods in greater quantities at lower costs. However, these farms have come under some scrutiny for being detrimental to the environment. Although we understand that modern farms aren’t perfect, we’re happy to say that today’s farmers actually help the environment more than they harm it! This post from your mechanical bearing suppliers in Lubbock, TX will cover the ways in which modern farmers benefit Mother Nature. Topsoil retention Topsoil is an essential component for growing crops and protecting the environment in general. As we saw during the Dust Bowl in the... View Article

M.B. McKee Company, Inc.